COVID-19 Update

Hello Cardinal Families,

We are entirely aware that there is much uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic. However, please remember we are are a strong community that prides itself on practicing The Cardinal Way (Positive Attitude, Respect, Pride, Accountability, Integrity, Supportive, Community Involvement). Over the past week, we have all stepped up and jumped into the deep end of the pool. Congratulations, you are now all e-teacher certified. The coolest part is no one had the opportunity to say, "I can't." We are all in the pool together. As we move forward, let's continue to keep our focus on the relationships and asking these two simple questions. How are you doing? How can I help? People are hurting, jobs are being lost, toilet paper is scarce, and money is short. As a community, we owe it to each other to be as supportive as we can and help each other. At the same time, we still do not want to create undue stress and anxiety on families by creating overwhelming e-learning expectations. Please continue to keep a balanced approach when working with your student/s and don't sweat it.


Over the coming week, teachers will continue to send out learning opportunities, both online and offline, for students to continue learning. We understand that not all families have access to the internet and that online resources may not be suitable for your situations. We are working on preparing hard-copy packets for families needing them as an alternative or as an additional resource. We ask that you communicate your needs with your student's teachers so that we can provide the best support possible. If you have any questions during this time, please reach out to us.

The school district office will be open daily M-F from 9am– 2pm. Please use #816-669-3792 when calling the school.

Meal Service:

Don't forget we able to serve any student in need of breakfast and lunch. If you or someone you know would benefit from this service, please spread the word. If you don't have a need for this resource, certainly don't feel obligated. Options to receive food include home delivery made by our Stewartsville Chief of Police – Andrew Porter, DeKalb County SRO's or pick up at the school. (Email Mr. Stephenson your student/s name, grade, working cell phone number, and physical address you are wanting the meals to be delivered to.

Reopening Date:

Although NO formal decision has been made yet for our return to school on April 6, 2020, We must be honest and say we have real doubt that we will return on this date. The decision to return or to extend the closure will be made on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. In making this decision, the district will follow CDC, Clinton County, and Tri-County Health Department recommendations.

Thank you for all you are doing and remember the building is closed, but that doesn't mean the school is closed. WE ARE THE SCHOOL!!! #TheCardinalWay #TheNest #CardinalVictory



The Nest