The Food Service Advisory Committee’s (FSAC) primary objective is to increase participation and ensure a high-quality service and product in the Stewartsville C2 School Food Service Program. The committee assists in menu planning, review recipes, surveys parents and students to achieve this objective. The Food Service Advisory Committee is to work with various constituent groups proactively to ensure there is support for future foodservice offerings and operational plans, new program initiatives, utilization of online payment systems and procedures along with decentralized food service environments, and other issues which affect satisfaction, quality, and service orientation. The committee welcomes input from students, parents, staff, and Wellness Committee members on changes to the Food Service Program. It is continually focused on improving communication within the school district and throughout the community about the program.

The Food Service Advisory Committee would like to extend an ongoing open invitation for any administrator, teacher, student, or community member to join our committee.

If Interested, please contact:
Mrs. Stephanie Ayers, Food Services Director @ 816-669-3258 ext.131

Healthy Living



Please review the following information before applying:

A new application must be submitted each year after July 1st.

Only complete one application per family.

Information to gather before completing the application includes the first and last name of each person living in the home, the name and date of birth of each student, and the gross income for each person living in the home.

Foster children are categorically eligible for free meal benefits. When completing the application, be sure to indicate the student's status as a Foster Child. Foster children may be included in the household application as part of the household size.

The information you give will be used to determine if your child is eligible for free or reduced-priced meals. This information may also be used for other state or federally funded school benefits.

Proof of income may be required to verify that information on the application is accurate. Each year, 3% of all applications approved for free or reduced-price meals are randomly chosen for verification. If your application is chosen, you will need to provide proof of income for everyone in the household, usually two consecutive check stubs. The income information provided will be used to determine free, reduced, or full pay status. If no proof of income is provided, the application will revert to full pay status, and parents will be responsible for paying for their student’s meals and meal charges.

Applications received in July and August are processed for the upcoming school year. Applications received before July 1st may qualify for free or reduced-price meals temporarily during the first 30 days of the upcoming school year. However, families must re-apply after July 1st for the upcoming school year. Click to Download Application; a paper application can be picked up at the school district office.

Parents/guardians are responsible for paying for all meals and meal charges made before the application being approved, including meals purchased, while information is obtained for an incomplete application. 

Please contact Katreena Griffin at (816) 669-3258 or for additional information.

2023-2024 MEAL PRICES

The Stewartsville BOE has set the 2023-2024 meal prices as follows. 

Prepayment for school meals is encouraged through accessing the (Lunch Info Tab) in the Lumen Parent Portal or the payment drop box in the school cafeteria. 

Families will need to submit a new application ASAP to ensure their students continue to qualify for free and reduced meals. 


Prek - 12th Grade

Full Price  - $1.50

Reduced Price - $0.30

Teachers/Staff - $1.70


Prek - 4th Grade 

Full Price - $2.75

Reduced Price $0.40

5th Grade -12th Grade

Full Price - $2.95

Reduced Price - $0.40

Teachers/Staff - $3.25